Sunday 5 May 2013

SoundHound Blog#11

                                                                  What is SoundHound?
SoundHound Logo

            It is an application that identifies music by humming, singing or playing a recorded track. SoundHound was first launched by Melodis Comportaion by Keyvan Mohajer in 2007. It was then funded by Global Catalyst Partners, TransLink Capital and Walden Venture Caporal. This app is available in mobile services but it is commonly used on the iPhone and Androrids. This app can be downloaded on the Apple App store, Google Play and Windows Market Place for Mobile.

           More Information:

            Many people compare SoundHound to Shazam and most prefer this app to it. This is because SoundHound is just more affective and is able to recognize music in a variety of different ways. This app can detect music not only by humming, singing or playing the song but it can also detect the song by speaking or even recording. This app also shows the lyrics of the songs along with links of the song that can be found on Youtube, Itunes and more. This app is 100% free but there are versions of SoundHound that are not free. The one that is not free is called SoundHound infinity and is $6.99 USD.

Personal Opinion:

I like this app and prefer it to any other type of app that detects music. This is only because there are so many ways this app can pick up music and it is the most efficient and convenient as well. This app is the only app that can recognize singing and humming. It also has a feature by Live Lyrics which allows its users to see the lyrics of the songs with the music. This app also allows its users to be updated on Facebook and Twitter. I am updated with my most favorite artists which I always love.

For more information about this app, watch this video:

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