Thursday 11 April 2013

Simply HDR Blog #8

Picture Edited from Simple HDR
      What is Simply HDR
            Have you ever heard of this amazing app? Well if not, get ready for me to explain it! It is an app that allows you to take and edit pictures It edits in an amazing way, this app transforms simple pictures into astonishing photography.  This app is great for people who love photography as a hobby because they can get a really good feel of what real photography is like.

                               More Information:
            With Simply HDR one picture is needed in order for dramatic and astounding changes to me made! There are 5 HDR styles and those include: High Dynamic Range, Black and White HDR, Contrasted HDR, Shadows and Lights and finally Contrasted Light. This app also includes color and gradient filters which give the picture an extra touch! It also has a vintage slider which gives the users of this app to have full control of darkening edges of the picture and much more. It also has a “Smoothing Brush” that corrects blemishes in the pictures. This learning tool is free which is very amazing for what it has to offer! People seem to really love this app as they are able to get better quality pictures and sharpen their photography skills! Simply HDR is only available for Smart phone, Ipad and Mac owners and users. This app takes advantage of social media because the pictures that are edited can be shared on social networking cites such as Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr and more!

Another Picture Edited from Simply HDR
      Personal Opinion:     
 I really enjoy using this app as I love taking pictures! I love learning about new ways of editing pictures and Simply HDR has so many editing options that I can choose from. I feel like this app is great for anyone who likes photography and it can help them learn more about it as well. This app is great for day to day activities or even amazing trips that are worth being remembered! This app just adds a “wow” factor to pictures that  make it go from ordinary to extraordinary pictures! 

Check out this video for more info on this app! 

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