Thursday 18 April 2013

Snapchat Blog#9

SnapChat Logo

    What is Snapchat?
           Snapchat is best described as a photo messaging application. Snapchat allows its users to not only take pictures but also add text or drawings to the pictures. This application also allows its users to record videos! This amazing application was developed by four students in the University of Stanford.  This application is available on apple devices such as iPhone, iPod and iPad. In order to use this app you must download it from the Apple App store! 

                      More Information:
           What makes this app very fun and unique is the fact that the users set a time limit for how long the other person is allowed to view the picture. The time limit goes up to 10 seconds. The receiver of the photo is also not allowed to save the picture as they are only able to see it for a very short amount of time.After the picture is sent, an email will be sent to the person who sent the picture reassuring them that the picture was seen and also deleted. However, it is possible for the viewer of the picture to take a screen shot of the picture. In that case, a notification will be sent to notify you that the picture has been saved. After that it is up to you on what actions you wish to take. Nevertheless, the main purpose of this application was for the receivers of the pictures to only see it for a while and it makes it more thrilling and fun. It’s more fun because you are able to make a goofy face and don’t have to worry about the other person having that picture of you forever. This app is 100% free. The users of this app really like it as it’s a very silly app. You are able to let loose and just have some fun! I think the users also really enjoy this app because it’s very unique and different!

              Personal Opinion:
 I really like this app because I feel like its very fun .The whole concept of only seeing the picture for a couple of seconds definitely has a thrilling factor! I use this app whenever I am bored and need some entertainment! However, there are also some concerns for this app. Some people believe that this app may allow its users to sent inappropriate pictures and no will see it except the person who it is sent to. Also, the picture is deleted and never seen again. This is a problem but I feel like the positives outweigh the negatives! However, if there are more scenarios and cases where this app is misused then maybe it is best for it to be stopped. For right now, I recommend anyone who likes taking pictures to download this app and start using it safely and most importantly have fun with it! So have fun but be safe and start using this amazing application today! 

For More Information about Snapchat Watch this Video! 

Thursday 11 April 2013

Simply HDR Blog #8

Picture Edited from Simple HDR
      What is Simply HDR
            Have you ever heard of this amazing app? Well if not, get ready for me to explain it! It is an app that allows you to take and edit pictures It edits in an amazing way, this app transforms simple pictures into astonishing photography.  This app is great for people who love photography as a hobby because they can get a really good feel of what real photography is like.

                               More Information:
            With Simply HDR one picture is needed in order for dramatic and astounding changes to me made! There are 5 HDR styles and those include: High Dynamic Range, Black and White HDR, Contrasted HDR, Shadows and Lights and finally Contrasted Light. This app also includes color and gradient filters which give the picture an extra touch! It also has a vintage slider which gives the users of this app to have full control of darkening edges of the picture and much more. It also has a “Smoothing Brush” that corrects blemishes in the pictures. This learning tool is free which is very amazing for what it has to offer! People seem to really love this app as they are able to get better quality pictures and sharpen their photography skills! Simply HDR is only available for Smart phone, Ipad and Mac owners and users. This app takes advantage of social media because the pictures that are edited can be shared on social networking cites such as Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr and more!

Another Picture Edited from Simply HDR
      Personal Opinion:     
 I really enjoy using this app as I love taking pictures! I love learning about new ways of editing pictures and Simply HDR has so many editing options that I can choose from. I feel like this app is great for anyone who likes photography and it can help them learn more about it as well. This app is great for day to day activities or even amazing trips that are worth being remembered! This app just adds a “wow” factor to pictures that  make it go from ordinary to extraordinary pictures! 

Check out this video for more info on this app! 

Thursday 4 April 2013

textPLUS blog#7

                                                                                                What is textPLUS?
            Texting is fun for everybody and it has become the world’s most popular form of communication. TextPlus is a mobile communication service that allows everyone to text anywhere for free. This app was originally made so people without mobile phones can text. You are able to download this app in iPhones, iPod touches, iPads, Androids and other smart phone and tablets. The users must be 13 years or older in order to download and have access to this app.

                   More Information:
textPLUS logo
This learning tool is 100% free! This app also has many features; it allows its users to have personal profiles which include details from their age to where they are from. TextPlus also has privacy setting, group messaging (Text-Based chat room) and also search controls. What this means is that they can make themselves unseen from searches. People really seem to enjoy texPlus as everyone loves communicating through texts and this allows just that to happen with a bonus of no cost. People seem to really like the fact that it’s free because they can text without having a texting plan and even iPod users can use this app and text! This app is also very keen on safety as they always wish for their users to feel safe and secure while using textPlus. You are able to report harassment, bullying, nudity, threatened violence and this will result in suspension of the other user inflicting this kind of unacceptable behavior.

                Personal Opinion
I love textPlus because I love communicating with my friends through texting. I love this app because I don’t need to worry about having a texting plan or even a phone. I am able to communicate with my family in places like Germany and Dubai.  I find that so amazing and much more convient than always having conversations through phone calls. This app is an a amazing form of communication and everyone should get this app!