Saturday 30 March 2013

Rocket Man blog#6

                                                   What is Rocket Man?
Isn't always frustrating to continuously wait for the TTC bus or street car to arrive? Isn’t even more aggravating not knowing the exact time when these vehicle will arrive?  Well I have the perfect app for you! When you download the “Rocket Man” app you will get the exact arrival times for these vehicles and you will also locate where they are on Google maps. This app is actually the first and only app in iPhones/iPads that provides you with real arrival times for TTC buses and streetcar locations!


                               More Information:
This app is free! Which makes it even more appealing because who doesn’t want something that is free and at the same time has the ability to simply life. Rocket Man can be used with wi-fi connections on your phones! This app is very straightforward as it detects when buses/streetcars arrive and it shows us how far it is from our location. This app allows us to stop wasting valuable time and it helps us plan the day more efficiently. Everyone really seems to love this app because it’s a new idea. It’s as if everyone has been looking for something like this and this app allows them to receive exactly what they have been searching for.  So quit looking out your window to see if the bus is coming and start looking at this app on your phone!

Personal Opinion:
This app has personally affected my life is many positive ways. I am able to plan ahead and not wait. I am not the most patient person and it personally makes me so angry spending so much time at the bus stop. I hate everything about it. I don’t like waiting and I most certainly don’t like thinking about when the bus will come. This app has been given me a piece of mind! I am able to know exactly when my next bus/streetcar will come and it 

Saturday 23 March 2013

The Weather Network Blog #5

                                                            What is the Weather Network?
This is an app that allows you to determine what the weather is wherever you go.  Isn’t it always a drag to find the remote and turn on the T.V just to see how the weather is for the day? Why not download this app and make life simpler and much more efficient. With this app you don’t need to be at home to see how the weather is, which is very convenient.  You are able to get detailed weather information, maps and even videos of how the day is going to be!

                More Information:
This app is 100% free which is always a bonus! People really love this learning tool because it’s very quick and easy to use.  This app can help you keep track of weather for many different locations such as cities, airports, parks and even schools! You are able to be updated about the weather for 7-14 days at whatever time of the day! This is also a great app because as dangerous weather is predicted to occur, The Weather Network App is what you can rely on as it will immediately give you warnings of what is to happen. It will also highlight the most important details of the weather which is a way to help you and your family be safe and secure at all times. This learning tool is accessible to anyone who uses smart phones, IPads and even Mac and Desktop users. This app was created for people who are always on the move and need to know what the weather is like as soon as possible. This app was also created for anyone who really cares for how the weather is going to be for the day so they can be 100% ready for what Mother Nature has to offer!

                                                                                   Personal Opinion:
            I really love this app as I am always curious about the weather. I am someone who likes to plan their days and make sure that the weather does not interrupt them! I always like to be prepared for what is to come and this app definitely helps me with that. This application helps simplify a lot of situations and is purely beneficial. For example if you are at school and before leaving you want to see how the weather is, this app is the perfect for that situation. I also love how you can see what the weather is like in different cities sometimes I am curious to see what the weather is like in other cities other than where I live. This comes in handy especially if you are going to a place you have never been and don’t really know what to expect from the weather. This app is a really amazing one and people should definitely download it and see how it positively improves their daily lives and activities.

Here is a quick tutorial of The Weather Network App for IPhone users

Saturday 9 March 2013

Skype Blog #4

Skype Logo

What is Skype?
Skype is a way to communicate with people through text, voice and video. It makes it very simple to share information to those who are not with you.  It’s a very convenient method of communicating as all you really need in the internet and the quality of Skype is amazing! It’s also very cheap compare to buying calling cards that only lasts for a couple of minutes whereas you can communicate with people oversea through Skype for endless of hours. Skype was first released in August 2003, there are around 31 million users of Skype as of January 2013.  

More Information on Skype:

One of the many amazing things about Skype is that it is absolutely free! However, users of Skype have the choice of having a different plan for calls and then with this different plan they are required to pay monthly or yearly. People really seem to enjoy Skype, they like the fact that it priceless and how they can really communicate for long periods of times. Skype also has many features similar to MSN messenger for example the different emoticons and it allows you to have group chats as well. Skype has a history that saves previous conversations and all the messages are dated and timed.  This program is quite easy to understand because they offer many instructions. This learning tool is accessible to everyone who is able to access the internet.

Want to download Skype? Use this link:

Personal Opinion:
            I really enjoy using Skype because an easy way to communicate with friends. I like how you can talk to them and not worry about holding a phone next to your ear. It’s also fun to see how they look rather than just speaking with friends or family about long periods of times. This is a technology that I will definitely use in the future. Everybody should try this new technology because i think that lots of people can benefit from this technology. 

If you still have more questions about Skype, watch the video above :)