Wednesday 27 February 2013

Instagram Blog #3

Instagram logo

What is Instagram?
            Instagram is a way to stay in touch with family and friends by taking photos of every amazing memory.  It is a very fun way to always be connected with your loved ones with something as simple as taking a snap shot of your day! It’s a new way of communicating because usually people connect with each other through updated facebook statuses, tweets on twitter or text messages but Instagram allows people to go beyond that. It has become the most popular mobile photo app to download.

More information on Instagram:
            Anyone who owns an IPhone, IPad or iPod Touch is able to use Instagram and explore their creativity or even improve their photography skills! It is a photo app and is available for free from the iTunes App store and from Google Play. On the downfall, this app is only available for Apple and Android devices. Unfortunately, you are unable to download a trial version to help you evaluate this software but it is possible to download the app and delete it if you are not satisfied.  After this app is downloaded, it allows you to take pictures through your camera. After the picture is shared you are able to change the look of the whole picture. Instagram has many filters such as Amaro, 1977, Kelvin, Nashville and the list can go on and on. You are also able to follow anyone else who uses Instagram and you are also able to comment or like their pictures.

Personal Opinion:
            I have never thought of myself as someone who likes to take pictures but through this app I have definitely found the more creative side of myself. It has allowed me to love photography much more than I did before using Instagram. Will I continue using this amazing app? Why, yes! It’s taught me so much and I really love taking pictures of my favorite moments of the day and sharing it with the people I love. I feel like it was definitely worth my time to try and use this app because I have discovered a side of myself I never knew I had. I would recommend this app to anyone who likes taking pictures and even if they don’t they may learn to love it, just like I have. This technology is not very hard to understand or use. After using it for a couple of days, you will understand Instragram completely.

If you want to know how to be really creative on Instagram, watch this video! 

Thursday 21 February 2013

Who knew humans could tweet? Blog #2

Logo of Twitter
What is twitter?
Twitter is also a social networking site which allows its users to send or read texts known as tweets. These tweets can have up to 140 characters it was created in March 2006 by Jack Dorsey.  In 2012, this social networking site had over 500 million users which produced over 340 millions of tweets daily! Twitter has become a very popular place as it is, one of the ten most visited websites on the internet. 

More Information:
Fortunately, twitter is absolutely free! Additionally, there are lots of different amazing features that make twitter so appealing to the millions of users of this cite. Twitter allows you to interact with your friends by simply replying or commenting to their tweets and even direct messaging them! Everybody wants privacy and twitter can definitely provide you with that if wanted. You are able to set your profile so only the people you want can access your account and read your tweets. Through twitter you are able to follow as many twitter accounts as you wish. You can follow anyone from your friends to your favorite celebrities! Twitter is a relatively easy technology to understand and fully grasp. Of course, it takes a couple of days to get to used to all the different features. For example how to follow other twitter accounts, how to tweet other people and where to go to see if you are "mentioned" in any of the tweets your followers make. However, after a couple of days of familiarizing yourself with the site you will be pro at it! 

Want to hear more about twitter? Watch this video! 

Another cute bird for twitter's
famous logo
Personal Opinion:
Twitter is one of my favorite social networking cites, I like to visit this website to be updated on my peers, families and beloved celebrities. What I love about twitter is that it is accessible to anyone who has access to the internet. You don't need a phone, I-pod or anything like that a plain old computer and internet connection will do! I feel like twitter benefits students as it allows everyone to be united as one. This technology engages people of all ages because it is somewhere where everyone can communicate and be 100% updated on the lives of the people we love. I feel like as I grow older twitter will definitely improve and become an even better social networking site. It will probably offer many new features and I cannot wait to see how it changes as time goes on! I would most certainly recommend twitter to people who are interested because it is a very fun site to be at and at the same time it is very beneficial to daily activity and lives :) So hurry up and start tweeting by signing up to twitter:

Thursday 14 February 2013

Facebook: Post #1

What is Facebook?
Facebook is a famous, well known and an international social networking site. It is an amazing way to interact with family, friends and sometimes even meeting new people.

How it all began:

So, how did it all get started? Facebook was first created in February, 2004 and it is owned and operated by Facebook, Inc. Facebook was founded by Marc Zuckerberg and his roommates!

More info:
It is an amazing way to share pictures, communicate with friends and share personal posts. Making a Facebook account is very simple and it is absolutely free.  Facebook is recommended for people who are 14+, however it has definitely caught the attention of all age groups!  It is probably targeted to teenagers, because teenage years are now always  associated with the internet and social networking sites.

Personal Opinion: 
This is the Facebook logo
I personally believe Facebook makes life simpler in many ways. Its very easy to always be connected with family and friends through sharing photographs of amazing memories and having simple and meaningful conversation on Facebook chat. There are reminders on facebook such as important events and birthdays that are sometimes really easy to forget. I love Facebook, I  spend lots of time on this website. This is mostly because I enjoy being in contact with my friends and sharing things that are important to me in life.

This is a quick video on how to use facebook: